Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Billboard ADs for Joel & Associates


  1. First one is dope for sure Pattie! I'm also glad you took the drop shadow off, it was bothering me when I first saw it. I don't think you need the borderline around the advertisement, makes them feel boxed in and with no breathing room.

    Other than that, awesome!

  2. Now this is what professional work looks like. You are a credit to your class; keep up the work, the enthusiasm and the work ethic. Great things are made of this.

  3. Patty, Did you create the ER photo? That is KEEN!-YOUR (other)instructor.

  4. I did shoot that photograph. I went to Grady Hospital and got permission, they were so helpful and willing. It's not everyday they get to pose in a photo shoot, I guess. The EMT girl was really nice and cooperative, she said she understood, she said she studied graphic design for a bit.
